6 Steps to Living a Life with No Regrets

6 Steps to Living a Life with No Regrets

The other night my friend and I had just finished dinner and were walking through a very familiar parking lot to the car.  As I glanced to my left, I saw a cluster of fast food restaurants and unexpectedly memories engulfed me; I felt like time stood still. In an...
De-Stress | Breathe – Laugh – No Joke

De-Stress | Breathe – Laugh – No Joke

No, there is no way!  Not another bad doctor’s report.  First there was Epstein Barr, then Systemic Strep, Mycoplasma Pneumonia, and now this……..Lyme disease.  I sat in the doctor’s office in disbelief.  I had been fighting for my health for years: insomnia, chronic...
Healthy Lifestyles for Successful Living

Healthy Lifestyles for Successful Living

We live in a microwave, drive-through society.  We want quick fixes for everything with little effort and no sacrifice expended.  We want to take a magic pill to lose 15 pounds yesterday.  Quick fixes may work for a time but are rarely permanent, always come with side...