by Rita Hudgens | Feb 12, 2020
“The only thing that makes life unfair is the delusion that it should be fair.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli I sat in an audience with over two thousand people a few years ago and watched as our keynote speaker was carried onto the stage. You read this correctly; our...
by Rita Hudgens | Feb 5, 2020
“We often add to our pain and suffering by being overly sensitive, over-reacting to minor things, and sometimes taking things too personally.” – Dalai Lama When was the last time you took something personally? How did it feel? Did you feel strong and empowered...
by Rita Hudgens | Jan 22, 2020
“Overthinking; the art of creating problems that weren’t even there.” – Unknown Have you ever gone to the movie theater and been disappointed because the movie you thought was going to go be a blockbuster hit turned out to be a bust; a really bad movie? Most of...
by Rita Hudgens | Jan 15, 2020
“Effective performance is preceded by painstaking preparation.” – Brian Tracy What comes to mind when you think of the word CLUTCH? Recently, in one of my rare moments sitting in front of the TV watching a football game, I heard the announcer call a player...
by Rita Hudgens | Jan 7, 2020
“Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for it.” – Steve Maraboli Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in achieving their goals and others wallow around for years not having any forward movement? Those that consistently build...