Coaching Yourself CLUTCH – Mindset Trap: Overthinking

“Overthinking; the art of creating problems that weren’t even there.” – Unknown Have you ever gone to the movie theater and been disappointed because the movie you thought was going to go be a blockbuster hit turned out to be a bust; a really bad movie? Most of...

Coaching Yourself CLUTCH

“Effective performance is preceded by painstaking preparation.” – Brian Tracy What comes to mind when you think of the word CLUTCH? Recently, in one of my rare moments sitting in front of the TV watching a football game, I heard the announcer call a player...
How to Break Free From a Speed-Demon Mindset

How to Break Free From a Speed-Demon Mindset

“Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” –  John De Paola Speed Demon Peloton While visiting my daughter last week in Los Angeles, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try out her Peloton treadmill. Having heard...