by Rita Hudgens | Feb 6, 2018
Landlocked I hate to admit this to you but it’s true. There is one day out of the year I know in advance that I am going to have a bad attitude. It may sound trite but it involves an annual event here in Phoenix where I live; it’s The Arizona Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon....
by Rita Hudgens | Jan 22, 2018
Yesterday, after my workout, I stopped by Chipotle to grab a quick lunch. Sitting at the table next to me was a family of 4: a mom, dad, and their two kids. The boy was around 9 years old and the girl was slightly older – she looked to be about 12. The parents...
by Rita Hudgens | Jan 2, 2018
Although I am not a history buff by any means, I do love the stories of history; the tales that unfold in real people and how they have impacted our world today intrigues me. Years ago, when I homeschooled my kids, the favorite part of my day was after lunch when we...
by Rita Hudgens | Dec 12, 2017
I pulled into my driveway after going to the gym the other day and was surprised to see that the garage door had been left open. Knowing that my son Rock was the last to leave the house that morning, I figured he must have been running late and forgot to close it....
by Rita Hudgens | Dec 5, 2017
Dear December, Who invited you here so prematurely, aren’t you arriving a bit sooner than usual? Does anyone else feel slightly overwhelmed this time of year? I woke up very early this morning which happened to be the first Sunday of December. As I flipped the light...