“Great is the power of habit. It teaches us to bear fatigue and to despise wounds and pain.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
I have created this anti-anxiety and anti-stress tool kit, proven by science, to help you reduce anxiety and stress. I guarantee you that if you implement some of these ideas and use these tools; you will navigate this uncertainty boat like a highly skilled Captain.
In the aftermath of horrific events in people’s lives such as 911, a fatal diagnosis, or the sudden loss of a child or loved one, we all undergo a wide range of emotions. Feelings of anger, sadness, fear, and anxiety are all very normal to experience.
I don’t know how your life has been impacted by COVID-19 or what emotions you are currently experiencing; however, I do know that during times of uncertainty people want something to feel normal.
The purpose of this blog post is to give you some tips that you can easily implement to help you gravitate towards your normal during this lockdown period of life with COVID-19 and its restrictions.
Creatures of Habit
We as humans are all creatures of habit. Whether you realize it or not, your habits and routines profoundly affect your mood and impact your daily activities. If you do not have strong routines in place, you will find yourself being stressed and unproductive; feeling like a boat aimlessly drifting out into the sea.
Where there is no routine there is no intentionality and without intentionality, your days will randomly happen to you instead of you purposefully designing them.
Most of you reading this probably have solid routines in place that you love and follow. But because of the restrictions in place to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus, even the best-planned routines have been disrupted; life is in time out and we feel out of whack.
For most of us, our days might feel kind of Willy Nilly; lacking direction and motivation. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You are in control of this. You can create solid routines designed for you to thrive and be productive during this time out period.
Consider routines your anchor in life during lockdown; they keep you from drifting into the sea of anxiety, boredom, apathy, and the just getting by mentality. Research shows us that having strong routines in place comes with some pretty significant benefits.
Benefits of Routines
Gives You Control
As humans, our natural tendency is to be in control. I’m not talking about having an unmet need and overcompensating for it by being a control freak; I’m referring to what Psychologists call Perceived Control.
Perceived Control refers to an individual’s perception of his or her ability, resource, or opportunity to bring about desired outcomes and prevent undesirable ones.
Research shows that Perceived Control is associated with an enhanced state of emotional well-being. According to a study conducted by Thompson & Spacapan in 1991, perceived control reduces the physiological impact of stressors, enhances the ability to cope with stress, improves performance, people experience less pain, and have a greater likelihood of making difficult behavior changes. (Thompson & Spacapan 1991).
Studies like the above show why routines are so vital; especially during times of uncertainty. They give you something you have control over. This is not only empowering; it is very comforting in times when things feel out of control.
It’s a win for you because it’s something you know you can master, it gives you a sense of accomplishment, recruits much-needed motivation, and keeps your momentum going.
Combats Stress and Anxiety
Science strongly supports the belief that incorporating strong routines into your daily life protects your well-being. It keeps you grounded, centers you, and helps to reduce stress and anxiety; two factors running rampant in these days of COVID-19.
According to Dr. Kerry Ressler, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, “Having a routine is good for development and health. Predictability combats stress.”
Built-In Accountability
Routines add a valuable component of accountability; they hold you accountable to do what you commit to do. The simple act of writing your routine down automatically makes you accountable to the most important person in the room; yourself.
How to Tweak Your “Lockdown” Routine
It goes without saying that history is being made right now; we are living in a season of time that will be remembered for decades. Everyone’s lives, worldwide, have been impacted.
Even if you had a pretty solid routine established, because of life being in lockdown, you may have to tweak your current routine to ward off anxiety and apathy, to give you some semblance of normal, and to enhance your performance.
Keep Consistent Sleep/Wake Cycles
If you are out of your normal routine and working from home, you might be tempted to sleep in and stay up late watching mindless shows on the couch. If this is you right now, you might want to rethink that.
Your circadian rhythm, also known as your body’s internal clock, plays an instrumental role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle. Your body instinctively knows what you need; it tells you when it’s time to wake up and when you should start winding down for bedtime.
It is vitally important, especially during these days of COVID-19 that you learn to listen to your body and keep a consistent schedule of when to wake up and when to go to bed. According to an article published in the National Academy of Science, circadian rhythm influences immune response efficacy; this is especially important to keep your immune system strong and healthy during this lockdown.
Rock-Solid Morning Routine
Covid19 or no Covid19 research shows that morning routines are absolutely essential for your success. They are especially needed now to help you stay on track with your goals and keep you focused and motivated.
To create a new state of flow in your day, set a strong intention for what you want to accomplish for the day before it even begins.
By doing this you are creating your own certainty.
Factor in self-care and include things such as quiet time, streams of consciousness journaling, praying, stretching, and hydrating with nutrient-rich lemon water.
Set daily goals and find a way to win your day. This will look slightly different than it has in the past but a win is always a win. Adjust your goals as needed to factor in where you are right now.
I have created this anti-anxiety and anti-stress tool kit, proven by science, to help you reduce anxiety and stress. I guarantee you that if you implement some of these ideas and use these tools; you will navigate this uncertainty boat like a highly skilled Captain.
Structure Your Day
Running your day is going to look and feel different depending on how you’ve been affected by the lockdown. If you’re working from home, you’re going to have to put stronger boundaries in place on your time and attention.
If you have a job where you are still going to a physical location, the environment is going to be different so you still have to make adjustments.
What can you do to make work “feel” normal? Try to replicate what you do at work in your new working from home environment. Keep the same hours, breaks, lunch breaks, and quitting times consistent.
I never imagined a day where gyms would be closed. This one hit so close to home because my workouts at the gym have been engrained in me for decades. Having to be resourceful to figure out home workouts has been challenging. But I had to make it happen or else I’d risk the chance of falling into discouragement and possible depression. I now rotate 3 different workouts that I alternate every 3rd day. It is not ideal but it is better than not moving.
What home workouts can you implement? Whatever you choose, be creative and resourceful. Change things up every few days to reduce the chances of you getting bored with your routine. Keep moving every day. In the words of Joseph Pilates, “Movement heals.”
You won’t regret it.
Of all the people that I have spoken to during this time in quarantine, this one area; human connection is hitting people pretty hard.
Research shows that human beings are “hard-wired” for connection and must have positive healthy relationships to flourish.
This is one area that really looks and feels different; no live church services, no sporting events to attend, no restaurants to sit at, and no coffee shops to work from. In some cases, family and friends are separated due to illness or distance.
It is important to stay connected daily with people. Phone calls, Zoom Happy Hours, Zoom Coffee Meetings, Face-Time Calls all help us stay in touch during this time when people may need the extra bit of encouragement you have to give them.
Night Ritual:
Remember as kids when it was bedtime and we started our bedtime routine? Bedtime routines were so important to help us wind down and get ready for a restful night’s sleep. It’s time to bring back that childhood routine and incorporate an adult nighttime routine.
You can use this time to enhance a mind-body connection and deregulate your thoughts preparing you for sleep.
As you go to sleep, look for something you can look forward to in the future. Count your blessings and be grateful that we are all another day closer to being out of lockdown.
Success Story
None of us welcome setbacks in our lives with open arms; we want to feel safe and secure. Unfortunately, there is not a lot we can control about this current situation. However, you build resiliency if you learn to be flexible and grow with this disruption rather than succumbing to it.
Life can be difficult and sometimes there is little you can do to affect the outcome. Nevertheless, doing a few things in your new routine gives you a feeling of accomplishment. This will give you a sense of control and hopefully create momentum to build patterns of success.
You’re writing your story right now; make it a story of triumph.
“The greatest success stories are built upon stories that began with adversity.” – Willie Jolley
Make it a CALM day,
Always remember – Nothing is Impossible
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