With the Holidays literally just around the corner, I thought sending you some tips to help preserve your energy and sanity during the next couple of months might be helpful.

We lose precious energy during the rush of the Holidays and fail to truly relish and enjoy them but it doesn’t have to be that way.

To preserve energy, you must first identify the things that drain your vitality and rob your strength. Some common culprits are personal tendencies that you might be unaware of such as having a perfectionistic mindset or your own eagerness to please and say yes to everything and everyone.

Regardless of what is draining your energy, it’s time to evaluate and tilt; make an adjustment to preserve your energy, health, and emotional well-being so that you can be truly present during this Holiday Season and actually enjoy and savor this time of year rather than dread it.

By taking time to evaluate your situation, you become aware of the options you have. The revelation that you can take control of some of your circumstances gives you freedom.

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Take Inventory:

  • Make a list of the things that drain your energy
  • Look to see what you have control over on that list

Once you recognize what you have control over, one by one come up with a strategic plan to deal with the things you are tolerating in a healthy way.

When you free yourself from the things that are draining you, you become a more confident, kind, and composed person. This allows you to show up authentically; putting your best foot forward this Holiday Season.

“You only have so much emotional energy each day. Don’t fight battles that don’t matter.” – Joel Osteen

Keep believing,

Always remember – Nothing is Impossible

Rita Hudgens
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