by Rita Hudgens | Jul 22, 2020
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. – Yoda What is Your Taskmaster? As we look around our world today, it can be overwhelming. People wonder, “Are these the birth pains predicting the end...
by Rita Hudgens | Jul 15, 2020
Going in one more round, when you don’t think you can, that’s what makes all the difference in your life. – Sylvester Stallone What are some of the things you are doing right now to keep on going, to grow in perseverance, to strengthen your will? Yesterday, I...
by Rita Hudgens | Jul 9, 2020
Mastering yourself is true power – Lao Tzu How is your Post Covid19 experience going? For most of the world, we have gone from uncertainty to chaos to more uncertainty and greater chaos. Life feels like it is in a constant state of being under construction....
by Rita Hudgens | Jul 1, 2020
Once you choose hope, anything is possible – Christopher Reeve When we look back at this difficult time in history, I’d love to say that we chose, as a nation, and as humanity, to cultivate hope during these uncertain times. Crisis KitI have created this...
by Rita Hudgens | Jun 24, 2020
Navy Seals say when you are under pressure you don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. Train well. Jon Gordon How many of you would love to turn back the hands of time or to fast forward to the future? If you had that power, what...
by Rita Hudgens | Jun 10, 2020
Listen – Is anyone else tired of hearing the term, “New Normal”? It makes it sound like we are settling in life. Instead of...