Having Difficult Conversations

“When we avoid difficult conversations, we trade short-term discomfort for long-term dysfunction.” – Peter Bromberg As a leader, you must be willing to do hard things. This includes having difficult conversations. It is never a question of if you will have to...

Fight Like An Underdog

“A winning mindset can transform an underdog into a champion.” – Assegid Habtewold Once upon a time, oh so long ago there was a young shepherd boy who was given the task by his father to take roasted grain and bread to his older brothers. The time: around 1020...

Play to Your Strengths

“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” – Napoleon Hill Did you happen to catch the 1993 Disney Classic Homeward Bound? If not, it’s a heartwarming saga of two dogs; Chance and Shadow, and one sassy cat named well…Sassy.  Fearing...

Risk: Friend or Foe?

“Risk is not just a part of life. It is life.”   – Nick Vujicic It’s the 4th Quarter. Whether you are down in the 4th Quarter or not; accept the fact that one day you will find yourself trailing in the game of life. It’s inevitable. When this happens, your...

Play to Win: Avoid Playing to Not Lose

4th Quarter Mindset – Play to Win: Avoid Playing to Not Lose “I play to win.” – Michael Jordan Hi Everyone, it’s been a minute since I’ve brought you the Warrior Wisdom Wednesday Blog Post. Sometimes despite all your best efforts and strong intentions,...

Emotional Intelligence

Marrying Gratitude and Emotional Intelligence This Thanksgiving Everyday Gratitude As we continue our series of walking through the storm with confidence, it would only stand to reason that on this Thanksgiving Week, I would choose to focus on gratitude, right?...