Coaching Yourself CLUTCH

“Effective performance is preceded by painstaking preparation.” – Brian Tracy What comes to mind when you think of the word CLUTCH? Recently, in one of my rare moments sitting in front of the TV watching a football game, I heard the announcer call a player...
Take Responsibility for Your Life: Stop Making Excuses

Take Responsibility for Your Life: Stop Making Excuses

“Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for it.” – Steve Maraboli Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in achieving their goals and others wallow around for years not having any forward movement? Those that consistently build...
How to Break Free From a Speed-Demon Mindset

How to Break Free From a Speed-Demon Mindset

“Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” –  John De Paola Speed Demon Peloton While visiting my daughter last week in Los Angeles, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try out her Peloton treadmill. Having heard...