by Rita Hudgens | Dec 11, 2019
“Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” – John De Paola Speed Demon Peloton While visiting my daughter last week in Los Angeles, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try out her Peloton treadmill. Having heard...
by Rita Hudgens | Nov 27, 2019
Thank you for signing up for my Waking up the Warrior Within Newsletter. This month I’m taking a break from our normal newsletter format. I want to share something from my heart that I believe will be life-empowering for you; cultivating the virtue of gratitude. Have...
by Rita Hudgens | Nov 5, 2019
When my kids were young and growing up, they waited patiently and with great anticipation all week long for our Friday night family tradition; watching rented movies. Back in the video days, we would make the trip to the now-defunct Blockbuster Video Store and they...
by Rita Hudgens | Oct 23, 2019
“Wisdom is found only in Truth.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe True Story A couple of years ago, a woman sought me out as a coach because she started having performance issues at work. Once a very driven and confident young woman, for some unexplainable reason,...
by Rita Hudgens | Oct 16, 2019
“Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional.” – Glenda Cloud I was standing confidently on the edge of a very steep cliff overlooking the breathtaking Pacific Bay 80 feet below me. With adrenaline rushing through my body, my feet were firmly planted on the...
by Rita Hudgens | Oct 2, 2019
“If you correct your mind the rest of your life will fall into place.” – Lao Tzu Are you a victim of your own thinking process? Have you ever wondered why some people are constantly bombarded by stress while others, under the same exact conditions, stay calm and...